Pannello metallico autoportante H-WALL® 8P coibentato con schiuma poliuretanica, con sistema di fissaggio a scomparsa, concepito per essere montato in orizzontale, per la realizzazione di pareti esterne di tamponamento che richiedono elevati requisiti estetici.
The panel structure, and in particular, its external shape, gives to the wall good strength, while spanning from colum to column.
H-Wall® 8P presenta una sagomatura della lamiera esterna ondulata, anziché diamantata/dogata, che conferisce al fabbricato un aspetto particolarmente innovativo ad ombre più morbide.
As there are no secondary purlins inside the building, the interior walls are particularly stylish and functional.
Because of the particular shape of the joint, blind fastening are applied to the V-cut on the male edge of the outside sheet. Two screws with center distance of 30 mm should be used for each panel and each stud.
H-Wall® 8 P have thicknesses 50 or 80 mm, in order to satisfy several environmental conditions.
H-WALL® 8P thickness 50 mm can be combined with SUPERWALL® ML thickness 60 mm.
It is possible to build walls of decorative value, thus creating special effects obtained using different thickness and colours.
Make sure that the load capacity of both models is correct, using for calculation the values indicated for SUPERWALL® ML.
Metecno Italia Srl a Socio Unico
Head office and plant
Via Nazario Sauro 80, 33090 Travesio (PN)
Phone: +39.0427.591311
Plant in Carpaneto:
Via Natta 1, 29013 Carpaneto Piacentino (PC)
Phone: +39.0523.853811