Pannello metallico autoportante HIPERTEC WALL coibentato in lana di roccia, destinato alle pareti e alle compartimentazioni interne che richiedono elevate prestazioni di reazione e resistenza al fuoco ed elevate prestazioni fonoisolanti.
The Hipertec® Wall is maufactured in accordance with a system patented by Metecno Italia.
This panel is made by two slightly profiled, galvanized and prepainted metal sheets.
Between these two sheets, there is an insulation core of oriented fibers, arranged perpendicularly to the plane of the panel, positioned in strips, laid longitudinally with offset joints and transversely compacted. In this way, the panel is a perfect
The mineral wool layer is pasted on the metal sheet by polyurethane glue.
The mineral wool insultation core can have thickness S from 50 up to 200 mm.
Metecno Italia Srl a Socio Unico
Head office and plant
Via Nazario Sauro 80, 33090 Travesio (PN)
Phone: +39.0427.591311
Plant in Carpaneto:
Via Natta 1, 29013 Carpaneto Piacentino (PC)
Phone: +39.0523.853811